Former PhD students of the team are
Name | PhD title | Defense Date | Adviser(s) | Now |
Mohamed Amine Abdellaziz | Optimal experimental design for seismic tomography | November 6, 2024 | Ludovic Metivier, Edouard Oudet, Romain Brossier | |
Svetlana Artemova | Adaptive algorithms for molecular simulation | May 30, 2012 | Stéphane Redon | Research engineer, CHU Grenoble |
Dimitri Bălășoiu | Modelling an simulating the mechanical behavior of ice floes | October 13, 2020 | Stéphane Labbé and Jérôme Weiss | |
Jordan Bellissard | Extraction d’informations tridimensionnelles d’images obtenues par microscopie électronique en vue de dessus | November 21, 2019 | Stéphane Labbé and Faouzi Triki | |
Amandine Berger | Optimization of the Laplacian spectrum with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions in R^2 and R^3 | May 21, 2015 | Bruno Colbois (Neuchâtel) and Edouard Oudet | |
Noé Bernabeu | Multiphysics modeling of viscoplastic flows: application to volcanic lava flows | February 5, 2015 | Pierre Saramito and Claude Smutek | Engineer, Somfy |
Nicolas Besset | L’équation de Klein-Gordon chargée en métrique de De Sitter-Reissner-Nordström | December 11, 2019 | Dietrich Häfner and Stéphane Labbé | |
Maël Bosson | Adaptive algorithms for computational chemistry and interactive modeling | October 19, 2012 | Brigitte Bidégaray-Fesquet and Stéphane Redon | CEO, eBikeLabs |
Claire Bost | Level-Set method and penalization for fluid-structure interactions | October 16, 2008 | Georges-Henri Cottet and Emmanuel Maitre | Engineer, COMSOL France |
Morgan Brassel | Shape instabilities in crystals | October 23, 2008 | Eric Bonnetier and Pierre Saramito | |
Elie Bretin | Mean curvature flow and phase field method | April 21, 2009 | Valerie Perrier and Eric Bonnetier | Assistant Professor, INSA Lyon |
Carlos Brito Pacheco | Shape and topology optimization on surfaces | December 12, 2024 | Charles Dapogny, Eric Bonnetier, Rafael Estevez | Research Engineer, Inria |
Thomas Carbillet | Real-time motion tracking via a portable (wearable) device: data analytics on a portable platform synched with a training and physiological database | April 12, 2019 | Stéphane Labbé | |
Vincent Chabannes | Towards Blood Flow Simulation | July 08, 2013 | Christophe Prud’homme | |
Ibrahim Cheddadi | Numerical modeling of foam flows | June 22, 2010 | Pierre Saramito and François Graner | Assistant professor, U. Grenoble Alpes |
Mathieu Coquerelle | Fluid-structure interaction based on vortex methods with application to computer graphics | September 25, 2008 | Marie-Paule Cani and Geaorges-Henri Cottet | Assistant Professor, Univ. Bordeaux |
Roland Denis | Modeling and simulation for Leidenfrost effect | November 26, 2012 | Stéphane Labbé and Emmanuel Maitre | Research Engineer, CNRS, Lyon |
François Desquilbet | Fast Marching method for the computation of first-arrival travel time of seismic waves in anisotropic media | October 14, 2022 | Ludovic Métivier and Jean-Marie Mirebeau | |
Gabriel Destouet | Ondelettes pour le traitement des signaux compromettants | March 3, 2022 | Valérie Perrier | |
Mahamar Dicko | Numerical methods for the resolution of surface PDE.Application to embryogenesis | March 14, 2016 | Pierre Saramito | |
Cédric Doucet | Hiérarchies d’éléments finis mixtes pour les maillages hybrides maintenus conformes par des pyramides quadangulaires et solution des systèmes d’équations linéaires creux pour l’approximation quasi-stationnaire en électromagnétisme | November 8, 2010 | Isabelle Charpentier | |
Jean-Matthieu Etancelin | Model coupling and hybrid computing for multi-scale CFD | December 4, 2014 | Georges-Henri Cottet and Christophe Picard | Assistant Professor, U. Pau |
Anatole Gallouet | Inverse problems in non-imaging optics and generated Jacobian equations | October 18, 2023 | Boris Thibert and Quentin Mérigot | |
Pierre-Yves Gires | Hydrodynamic interaction between two vesicles in a simple shear flow | October 18, 2012 | Chaouqi Misbah and Emmanuel Maitre | R&D Engineer, Depixus |
Jean-Marc Gratien | A Domain Specific Embedded Language in C++ for lowest-order methods for diffusive problem on general meshes | May 27, 2013 | Christophe Prud’homme | |
Abdelfatah Gtet | Asymptotics of plasmonic resonnances of rectangular cavities | December 19, 2017 | Faouzi Triki and Eric Bonnetier | |
Okba Hamitou | Efficient preconditioning method for the CARP-CG iterative solver for the solution of the frequency-domain visco-elastic wave equation | December 22, 2016 | Stéphane Labbé, Jean Virieux, and Ludovic Métivier | |
Morgane Henry | Optimal transportation and wavelets : new algorithms and application to image | April 8, 2016 | Emmanuel Maitre and Valérie Perrier | Research Engineer, Smart Me Up |
Romain Hug | Mathematical analysis and convergence of an algorithm for optimal transport problem: case of non regular transportation maps, or subjected to constraints | December 9, 2016 | Emmanuel Maitre and Nicolas Papadakis | Assistant Professor, U. Aix-Marseille |
Frédéric Huguet | Stereoscopic scene flow modeling and computation with a variational method | April 30, 2009 | Eric Bonnetier | |
Lukáš Jakabčin | Modeling, analysis and numerical simulation of solids combining plasticity, fracture and viscous dissipation | September 22, 2014 | Stéphane Labbé and Eric Bonnetier | Assistant professor, U. Orléans |
Meriem Jedouaa | Méthode de capture d’interface pour la simulation de suspensions d’objets immergées dans un fluide | July 5, 2017 | Charles-Henri Bruneau (Bordeaux) and Emmanuel Maitre | Engineer, Airbus |
Pierre Jolivet | Domain decomposition methods. Application to high-performance computing | October 2, 2014 | Christophe Prud’homme and Frédéric Nataf | Research scientist, CNRS, Toulouse |
Jean Baptiste Keck | Numerical modelling and High Performance Computing for sediment flows | December 13, 2019 | Georges-Henri Cottet, Iraj Mortazavi and Christophe Picard | |
Kole Keita | Mathematical modeling and numerical analysis of Bloch model for quantum dots | September 24, 2014 | Brigitte Bidegaray-Fesquet | Assistant Professor, U. Jean Lorougnon Guede, Daloa, Ivory Coast |
Aymen Laadhari | Numerical modelling of the dynamics of red blood cells using the level set method | April 6, 2011 | Pierre Saramito and Chaouqi Misbah | Assistant Professor, Khalifa Univ., UAE |
Eli Laucoin | Development of parallel implementation of adaptive numerical methods with industrial applications in fluid mechanics | October 24, 2008 | Isabelle Charpentier | |
Philippe Le Bouteiller | Eulerian approach of Hamilton-Jacobi equation with a discontinuous Galerkin method in heterogeneous anisotropic medium: Application to seismic imaging | December 06, 2018 | Jean Virieux and Ludovic Métivier | |
Hubert Leterme | A Complex Wavelet Approach for Shift-Invariant Convolutional Neural Networks | June 14, 2023 | Valérie Perrier and Karteek Alahari | |
Adrien Magni | Particle methods with remeshing: numerical analysis, new schemes and applications for the simulation of transport equations | July 12, 2011 | Georges-Henri Cottet | |
Eloi Martinet | Spectral shape optimization problem with free interface energy | 2023 | Dorin Bucur and Edouard Oudet | Postdoc at JMU, Würzburg, Germany |
Thomas Milcent | An Eulerian approach to fluid-structure interaction, mathematical analysis and applications to biomechanics | May 25, 2009 | Georges-Henri Cottet and Emmanuel Maitre | Assistant Professor, U. Bordeaux |
Chloé Mimeau | Conception and implementation of a hybrid vortex penalization method for solid-fluid-porous media: application to the passive control of incompressible flows | July 7, 2015 | Georges-Henri Cottet and Iraj Mortazavi | Assistant Professor, CNAM |
Claudia Moreno | Contrôle des systèmes d’équations aux dérivées partielles de type dispersif | August 31, 2020 | Emmanuelle Crépeau and Eduado Cerpa | ATER, Dauphine University |
Olivier Ozenda | Continuous modelisation of suspensionrheology and migration processes | April 01, 2019 | Pierre Saramito and Guillaume Chambon | |
Hugo Parada | Control and stabilization of PDE on networks | July 5, 2023 | Emmanuelle Crépeau and Christophe Prieur | Post Doc, Univ. Toulouse 3 |
Hugo Pinard | 2D electromagnetic imaging by full waveform inversion: Multiparameter approach on synthetic cases and real data | December 20, 2017 | Stéphane Garambois and Ludovic Métivier | |
Matthias Rabatel | Dynamics of an assembly of rigid ice floes | November 23, 2015 | Stéphane Labbé and Jérôme Weiss | |
Fabian Rainouard | Development of mathematical models for optimized addressing of emissive point distributions in a retinal projection device | September 14, 2023 | Olivier Haeberlé and Edouard Oudet | |
Lionel Salesses | Analysis of some conductivity problems with sign changing coefficients | December 19, 2018 | Brigitte Bidegaray-Fesquet | Machine Learning Research Engineer, Cenaero |
Abdoulaye Samake | Large scale nonconforming domain decomposition methods | December 8, 2014 | Christophe Prud’homme, Christophe Picard, and Frédéric Nataf | Assistant Professor, Mali |
Claire Scheid | Theoretical and numerical analysis in the vicinity of the triple point in electrowetting | October 25, 2007 | Patrick Witomski | Associate Professor, Univ. Nice |
Thomas Schiano | Modelling and simulation of high temperature and density spreading | March 17, 2023 | Pierre Saramito, Jean-François Haquet, Claude Smutek, and Barbara Bigot | |
Arnaud Sengers | Semi-implicit and diffusion-redistanciation schemes for the dynamic of red blood cells | July 19, 2019 | Emmanuel Maitre and Mourad Ismail | PRAG, Prépa des INP Grenoble |
Nathan Shourick | Mathematical and numerical modelling of collective movement in epithelia | October 22, 2024 | Pierre Saramito, François Graner | |
Phuong-Thu Trinh | 3D Multi-parameters Full Waveform Inversion for challenging 3D elastic land targets | September 24, 2018 | Jean Virieux, Romain Brossier, and Ludovic Métivier | |
Chun-Hsiang Tsou | Target identification using electroreception | December 22, 2017 | Faouzi Triki and Eric Bonnetier | Post Doc, Hong Kong Baptist University |
Margaux Vauthrin | Study of some models in photoacoustic imaging | July 3, 2017 | Faouzi Triki, Laurent Desbat, and J. Boutet | |
Stéphane Veys | A computational reduced basis framework: applications to nonlinears multiphysics problems | November 26, 2014 | Christophe Prud’homme | |
Manon Vialle | Design and Evaluation of 3D Systems for Movement Transmission in Dance | December 11, 2023 | Emmanuelle Crepeau-Jaisson, Sarah Fdili Alaoui, and Mélina Skouras | |
Qi Xue | Mathematical and numerical study of the inverse problem of electro-seismicity in porous media | December 20, 2017 | Faouzi Triki and Eric Bonnetier | |
Fairouz Zobiri | On the design of event- and self-triggered controllers for certain classes of dynamical systems | February 15, 2019 | Brigitte Bidegaray-Fesquet and Nacim Meslem | Innovation specialist, Centrica |