PhD students

PhD students

Former members

Former PhD students of the team are

Name PhD title Defense Date Adviser(s) Now
Mohamed Amine Abdellaziz Optimal experimental design for seismic tomography November 6, 2024 Ludovic Metivier, Edouard Oudet, Romain Brossier
Svetlana Artemova Adaptive algorithms for molecular simulation May 30, 2012 Stéphane Redon Research engineer, CHU Grenoble
Dimitri Bălășoiu Modelling an simulating the mechanical behavior of ice floes October 13, 2020 Stéphane Labbé and Jérôme Weiss
Jordan Bellissard Extraction d’informations tridimensionnelles d’images obtenues par microscopie électronique en vue de dessus November 21, 2019 Stéphane Labbé and Faouzi Triki
Amandine Berger Optimization of the Laplacian spectrum with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions in R^2 and R^3 May 21, 2015 Bruno Colbois (Neuchâtel) and Edouard Oudet
Noé Bernabeu Multiphysics modeling of viscoplastic flows: application to volcanic lava flows February 5, 2015 Pierre Saramito and Claude Smutek Engineer, Somfy
Nicolas Besset L’équation de Klein-Gordon chargée en métrique de De Sitter-Reissner-Nordström December 11, 2019 Dietrich Häfner and Stéphane Labbé
Maël Bosson Adaptive algorithms for computational chemistry and interactive modeling October 19, 2012 Brigitte Bidégaray-Fesquet and Stéphane Redon CEO, eBikeLabs
Claire Bost Level-Set method and penalization for fluid-structure interactions October 16, 2008 Georges-Henri Cottet and Emmanuel Maitre Engineer, COMSOL France
Morgan Brassel Shape instabilities in crystals October 23, 2008 Eric Bonnetier and Pierre Saramito
Elie Bretin Mean curvature flow and phase field method April 21, 2009 Valerie Perrier and Eric Bonnetier Assistant Professor, INSA Lyon
Carlos Brito Pacheco Shape and topology optimization on surfaces December 12, 2024 Charles Dapogny, Eric Bonnetier, Rafael Estevez Research Engineer, Inria
Thomas Carbillet Real-time motion tracking via a portable (wearable) device: data analytics on a portable platform synched with a training and physiological database April 12, 2019 Stéphane Labbé
Vincent Chabannes Towards Blood Flow Simulation July 08, 2013 Christophe Prud’homme
Ibrahim Cheddadi Numerical modeling of foam flows June 22, 2010 Pierre Saramito and François Graner Assistant professor, U. Grenoble Alpes
Mathieu Coquerelle Fluid-structure interaction based on vortex methods with application to computer graphics September 25, 2008 Marie-Paule Cani and Geaorges-Henri Cottet Assistant Professor, Univ. Bordeaux
Roland Denis Modeling and simulation for Leidenfrost effect November 26, 2012 Stéphane Labbé and Emmanuel Maitre Research Engineer, CNRS, Lyon
François Desquilbet Fast Marching method for the computation of first-arrival travel time of seismic waves in anisotropic media October 14, 2022 Ludovic Métivier and Jean-Marie Mirebeau
Gabriel Destouet Ondelettes pour le traitement des signaux compromettants March 3, 2022 Valérie Perrier
Mahamar Dicko Numerical methods for the resolution of surface PDE.Application to embryogenesis March 14, 2016 Pierre Saramito
Cédric Doucet Hiérarchies d’éléments finis mixtes pour les maillages hybrides maintenus conformes par des pyramides quadangulaires et solution des systèmes d’équations linéaires creux pour l’approximation quasi-stationnaire en électromagnétisme November 8, 2010 Isabelle Charpentier
Jean-Matthieu Etancelin Model coupling and hybrid computing for multi-scale CFD December 4, 2014 Georges-Henri Cottet and Christophe Picard Assistant Professor, U. Pau
Anatole Gallouet Inverse problems in non-imaging optics and generated Jacobian equations October 18, 2023 Boris Thibert and Quentin Mérigot
Pierre-Yves Gires Hydrodynamic interaction between two vesicles in a simple shear flow October 18, 2012 Chaouqi Misbah and Emmanuel Maitre R&D Engineer, Depixus
Jean-Marc Gratien A Domain Specific Embedded Language in C++ for lowest-order methods for diffusive problem on general meshes May 27, 2013 Christophe Prud’homme
Abdelfatah Gtet Asymptotics of plasmonic resonnances of rectangular cavities December 19, 2017 Faouzi Triki and Eric Bonnetier
Okba Hamitou Efficient preconditioning method for the CARP-CG iterative solver for the solution of the frequency-domain visco-elastic wave equation December 22, 2016 Stéphane Labbé, Jean Virieux, and Ludovic Métivier
Morgane Henry Optimal transportation and wavelets : new algorithms and application to image April 8, 2016 Emmanuel Maitre and Valérie Perrier Research Engineer, Smart Me Up
Romain Hug Mathematical analysis and convergence of an algorithm for optimal transport problem: case of non regular transportation maps, or subjected to constraints December 9, 2016 Emmanuel Maitre and Nicolas Papadakis Assistant Professor, U. Aix-Marseille
Frédéric Huguet Stereoscopic scene flow modeling and computation with a variational method April 30, 2009 Eric Bonnetier
Lukáš Jakabčin Modeling, analysis and numerical simulation of solids combining plasticity, fracture and viscous dissipation September 22, 2014 Stéphane Labbé and Eric Bonnetier Assistant professor, U. Orléans
Meriem Jedouaa Méthode de capture d’interface pour la simulation de suspensions d’objets immergées dans un fluide July 5, 2017 Charles-Henri Bruneau (Bordeaux) and Emmanuel Maitre Engineer, Airbus
Pierre Jolivet Domain decomposition methods. Application to high-performance computing October 2, 2014 Christophe Prud’homme and Frédéric Nataf Research scientist, CNRS, Toulouse
Jean Baptiste Keck Numerical modelling and High Performance Computing for sediment flows December 13, 2019 Georges-Henri Cottet, Iraj Mortazavi and Christophe Picard
Kole Keita Mathematical modeling and numerical analysis of Bloch model for quantum dots September 24, 2014 Brigitte Bidegaray-Fesquet Assistant Professor, U. Jean Lorougnon Guede, Daloa, Ivory Coast
Aymen Laadhari Numerical modelling of the dynamics of red blood cells using the level set method April 6, 2011 Pierre Saramito and Chaouqi Misbah Assistant Professor, Khalifa Univ., UAE
Eli Laucoin Development of parallel implementation of adaptive numerical methods with industrial applications in fluid mechanics October 24, 2008 Isabelle Charpentier
Philippe Le Bouteiller Eulerian approach of Hamilton-Jacobi equation with a discontinuous Galerkin method in heterogeneous anisotropic medium: Application to seismic imaging December 06, 2018 Jean Virieux and Ludovic Métivier
Hubert Leterme A Complex Wavelet Approach for Shift-Invariant Convolutional Neural Networks June 14, 2023 Valérie Perrier and Karteek Alahari
Adrien Magni Particle methods with remeshing: numerical analysis, new schemes and applications for the simulation of transport equations July 12, 2011 Georges-Henri Cottet
Eloi Martinet Spectral shape optimization problem with free interface energy 2023 Dorin Bucur and Edouard Oudet Postdoc at JMU, Würzburg, Germany
Thomas Milcent An Eulerian approach to fluid-structure interaction, mathematical analysis and applications to biomechanics May 25, 2009 Georges-Henri Cottet and Emmanuel Maitre Assistant Professor, U. Bordeaux
Chloé Mimeau Conception and implementation of a hybrid vortex penalization method for solid-fluid-porous media: application to the passive control of incompressible flows July 7, 2015 Georges-Henri Cottet and Iraj Mortazavi Assistant Professor, CNAM
Claudia Moreno Contrôle des systèmes d’équations aux dérivées partielles de type dispersif August 31, 2020 Emmanuelle Crépeau and Eduado Cerpa ATER, Dauphine University
Olivier Ozenda Continuous modelisation of suspensionrheology and migration processes April 01, 2019 Pierre Saramito and Guillaume Chambon
Hugo Parada Control and stabilization of PDE on networks July 5, 2023 Emmanuelle Crépeau and Christophe Prieur Post Doc, Univ. Toulouse 3
Hugo Pinard 2D electromagnetic imaging by full waveform inversion: Multiparameter approach on synthetic cases and real data December 20, 2017 Stéphane Garambois and Ludovic Métivier
Matthias Rabatel Dynamics of an assembly of rigid ice floes November 23, 2015 Stéphane Labbé and Jérôme Weiss
Fabian Rainouard Development of mathematical models for optimized addressing of emissive point distributions in a retinal projection device September 14, 2023 Olivier Haeberlé and Edouard Oudet
Lionel Salesses Analysis of some conductivity problems with sign changing coefficients December 19, 2018 Brigitte Bidegaray-Fesquet Machine Learning Research Engineer, Cenaero
Abdoulaye Samake Large scale nonconforming domain decomposition methods December 8, 2014 Christophe Prud’homme, Christophe Picard, and Frédéric Nataf Assistant Professor, Mali
Claire Scheid Theoretical and numerical analysis in the vicinity of the triple point in electrowetting October 25, 2007 Patrick Witomski Associate Professor, Univ. Nice
Thomas Schiano Modelling and simulation of high temperature and density spreading March 17, 2023 Pierre Saramito, Jean-François Haquet, Claude Smutek, and Barbara Bigot
Arnaud Sengers Semi-implicit and diffusion-redistanciation schemes for the dynamic of red blood cells July 19, 2019 Emmanuel Maitre and Mourad Ismail PRAG, Prépa des INP Grenoble
Nathan Shourick Mathematical and numerical modelling of collective movement in epithelia October 22, 2024 Pierre Saramito, François Graner
Phuong-Thu Trinh 3D Multi-parameters Full Waveform Inversion for challenging 3D elastic land targets September 24, 2018 Jean Virieux, Romain Brossier, and Ludovic Métivier
Chun-Hsiang Tsou Target identification using electroreception December 22, 2017 Faouzi Triki and Eric Bonnetier Post Doc, Hong Kong Baptist University
Margaux Vauthrin Study of some models in photoacoustic imaging July 3, 2017 Faouzi Triki, Laurent Desbat, and J. Boutet
Stéphane Veys A computational reduced basis framework: applications to nonlinears multiphysics problems November 26, 2014 Christophe Prud’homme
Manon Vialle Design and Evaluation of 3D Systems for Movement Transmission in Dance December 11, 2023 Emmanuelle Crepeau-Jaisson, Sarah Fdili Alaoui, and Mélina Skouras
Qi Xue Mathematical and numerical study of the inverse problem of electro-seismicity in porous media December 20, 2017 Faouzi Triki and Eric Bonnetier
Fairouz Zobiri On the design of event- and self-triggered controllers for certain classes of dynamical systems February 15, 2019 Brigitte Bidegaray-Fesquet and Nacim Meslem Innovation specialist, Centrica